Acupuncture is a form of treatment that involves inserting very thin needles through a person’s skin at specific points on the body, to various depths. Traditional Chinese medicine explains that health is the result of a harmonious balance of the complementary extremes of “yin” and “yang” of the life force known as “qi,” pronounced “chi.” Illness is said to be the consequence of an imbalance of the forces. Qi is said to flow through meridians, or pathways, in the human body. These meridiens and energy flows are accessible through 350 acupuncture points in the body. Inserting needles into these points with appropriate combinations is said to bring the energy flow back into proper balance.
AAT is a precision-based therapy that works directly with the organ systems and overreactions to harmless substances. Unlike over-the-counter treatments that focus on suppressing symptoms, AAT focuses on reprogramming the body, so it no longer reacts inappropriately to harmless substances. Over the past 28 years, AAT has evolved from collaborative research by healthcare professionals in the fields of acupuncture, naturopathy, and chiropractic.
Shiatsu is a form of bodywork performed with thumbs, fingers, palms, elbows, feet and knees. Pressure is applied to all areas of the body along specific pathways called Meridian-line which is used in Traditional Oriental Medicine for acupuncture. It is understood that this technique stimulates the natural healing power of the body.
Acupuncture is best known for treating ailments like pain, allergies or anxiety, but there has also been interest in using needles to enhance beauty. Every time a needle is inserted into the skin, the body sees it as a microinjury and increases circulation to the area involved. This is beneficial for something like an old injury producing chronic discomfort, but it also has implications for skin health and aging. Cosmetic acupuncture and microneedling are two of the most popular techniques that take advantage of this response, and they are each fairly different.
Living with allergies and sensitivities can be challenging and frustrating. Traditional treatments, such as medications and immunotherapy, may not be effective for everyone. Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT) offers a unique approach to treating allergy and sensitivity symptoms and has been shown to provide relief for many people.
The focus of Shiatsu massage is to treat an entire meridian which is just like a highway of the qi-energy on the surface of the body. This is based on the theory that the imbalances to be addressed are based in the meridians, which require a free flow of qi-energy throughout. Thus Shiatsu can become an important aspect of preventive health care as well as treatment for existing symptoms.
In TCM, the body has a system of meridians through which Qi and Blood flow, and acupuncture aids in making sure the meridians stay clear and the body’s internal harmony stays balanced. Most people can accept the analogy of the meridian being like a blood vessel in which blood flows. If blood doesn’t flow smoothly through the arteries, veins, and capillaries, a blockage can cause serious complications like heart attacks and strokes. The concept of Qi is usually the hangup here.
AAT is a clinically proven, precision-based therapy that offers a unique and successful approach to treating the many symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities. The therapy has been developed from years of clinical research and has been proven to be effective in providing relief from a wide range of symptoms. If you are interested in exploring AAT as a treatment option, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional who is trained in the therapy.
Perpendicular penetration without side-to-side motion, unlike many massage techniques where movement across the surface is emphasized, Shiatsu uses penetration at each point, perpendicular to the body surface, to active the spot (“tsubo”) on the meridians.