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Posture is important

Hunchback and rounded shoulder can be fundamentally improved by Shiatsu and stretch.

(1) If the pectoralis minor can stretch normally, hunchback and rounded shoulders will improve.

(2) Furthermore, if you can treat the levator scapulae, rhomboid minor, and rhomboid major muscles.

(3) Activate the function of the lower trapezius fibers.

Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine and a key component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in which thin needles are inserted into the body. Research suggests that acupuncture can help relieve pain, especially in the teeth, jaw, neck, shoulder, low back and knee. Other painful conditions that can benefit from acupuncture include: headaches and migraines. tennis elbow.

Painless treatment AAT

AAT treatments are totally painless and can be completed in a short amount of time. One allergen family is treated per session so depending on the number of allergen families involved in the symptoms, patients may require several treatments. However, many people see significant improvement after just a few sessions.

Shiatsu technique

It is known that the body has acu-pressure points called “tsubo” that can receive the pressing by the practitioner, the muscle gives way to the penetrating force to let it enter, rather than being pushed away by pressure. The result is an entirely different experience than mere finger-pressing. The practitioner is required to have the correct body position in relation to the recipient and be mindful of the technique being used.

What’s acupuncture

Acupuncture is a form of treatment that involves inserting very thin needles through a person’s skin at specific points on the body, to various depths. Traditional Chinese medicine explains that health is the result of a harmonious balance of the complementary extremes of “yin” and “yang” of the life force known as “Qi,” pronounced “chi.” Illness is said to be the consequence of an imbalance of the forces. Qi is said to flow through meridians, or pathways, in the human body. These meridians and energy flows are accessible through 350 acupuncture points in the body. Inserting needles into these points with appropriate combinations is said to bring the energy flow back into proper balance.

Safe and effective AAT

AAT is a safe and effective treatment option for people of all ages, including children. The therapy is non-invasive and drug-free, making it an ideal treatment option for people who are sensitive or allergic to medications or prefer to avoid drugs.

Consistent with the basic concepts of Traditional Oriental Medicine, Shiatsu is grounded in the theory that health problems are attributed to imbalances in Yin (Negative) and Yang (Positive), disharmonies between the internal organs, and blockage to the circulation of Qi-energy (life force energy) through the meridians.

An Asian Chinese woman relaxing outside at a health spa while having a massage outside

Acupuncture is best known for treating ailments like pain, allergies or anxiety, but there has also been interest in using needles to enhance beauty. Every time a needle is inserted into the skin, the body sees it as a microinjury and increases circulation to the area involved. This is beneficial for something like an old injury producing chronic discomfort, but it also has implications for skin health and aging. Cosmetic acupuncture and microneedling are two of the most popular techniques that take advantage of this response, and they are each fairly different.

Cosmetic Acupuncture

AAT can help with a wide range of symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities. These can include respiratory symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, or congestion, or digestive symptoms like bloating, reflux, IBS, or nausea, or even skin symptoms like rashes, eczema, or hives, along with many other symptoms.

Shiatsu can be performed while the recipient lies on a massage table allowing the practitioner access from all sides and the ability to apply pressure using body weight.  No massage oils or lotions are used or needed because the practitioner does not slide along the body surface, but gives a series of presses along the meridian lines.